Equinox 600
Metal detectors create an electromagnetic field which penetrates the ground. Metal objects cause a change to this field because they conduct electricity. The detector senses this change and sends a signal back to the control unit, alerting the operator.
Metal detectors work by transmitting an electromagnetic field from the search coil into the ground. Any metal objects (targets) within this electromagnetic field will become energised, creating their own circular electric currents (eddy currents) and transmit an electromagnetic field of their own.
The detector’s search coil senses this receive signal and alerts the user by producing a target response. Minelab metal detectors are also capable of discriminating (or differentiating) between different target types and can be set to ignore unwanted targets.

Equinox 600 800 -control panel
Detect Modes: Park | Beach |Field
Operating Frequencies(kHz): Multi| 4|5|10|15 (20|40 for Equinox 800)
Noise cancel: Auto |Manual
Sensitivity: 1-25
Target Volume: 0-25
Threshold Level: 0-25
Depth Indicator: 5 levels
Length: collapsed :44.1″ ,extended:56.7″
Weight: 1.34kg (2.96 lbs)
Headphones: Wired & Bluetooth
Display: Monochrome LCD with backlight
Battery: Internal rechargeable Lithium-ion battery 5000mAh
Warranty: 2yrs
Technology: Bluetooth
Based on common detecting locations , EQUINOX Series features Detect Modes. Each representing a common detecting use: Park, Field, Beach and Gold. Each detect modes has two Search Profiles.
Detect Mode Navigation: Detect Mode Search Profiles can be rolled through by pressing the detect mode button. Each press will scroll to the next search profile in a left-to-right direction.
Different detect modes available are:
2. Field
3. Beach
4. Gold
Park Mode is for searching in parks , or recently inhibited sites where there may be coins and jewelry. Park mode is a good starting point for other general uses, such as freshwater detecting , or use for artefact by accepting all ferrous Target IDs.
Park1: General/Coins: It is optimized for modern coins and larger jewellery with a default discrimination pattern set to reject many common aluminum foil-like targets .
Park1 Multi-IQ processes a lower frequency weighting of the multi-frequency signal as well as using algorithms that maximize ground balancing for soil, to achieve the best signal to noise ratio. Hence, Park1 is most suitable for general detecting and coin hunting.
Park 2: Fine Jewellery : Park2 is better suited for smaller targets and greater trash densities.All non-ferrous targets are accepted by default.
Target tone is set to 50 to allow greater audible target identification rather tahn relying more heavily on visual Target IDs. Multi-IQ processes a higher frequency weighted multi-frequency signal while ground balancing for soil.
Field Mode is for searching open pasture, cropped or ploughed fields and historically occupied sites. Field Mode is well suited for rejecting coke and detecting hammered coins and ancient artifacts amongst the iron trash.
With Frequency set to multi, it is most sensitive to the widest range of targets and more accurately identify objects at the limits of detection depth, compared to all single frequency options.
Field1: Coins/Artefact: Field1 is for general hunting with high trash rejection. The default discrimination is set to reject Target IDs 1 and 2(most coke signals).
Field1 Mult-IQ Processes a lower frequency weighted multi-frequency signal, as well as using algorithms that maximise ground balancing for soil, to achieve the best signal to noise ratio. Hence being most suited for general detecting and coin hunting.
Field2: Fine Coins/Artefacts: Field2 suits location with high target and trash densities. The default discrimination pattern is set to rejection and Target IDs 1 and 2 9most coke signals).
Target Tone is set to 50 tones to enhance audio identification and recovery speed is faster. Multi-IQ processes a higher frequency weighted multi-frequency signal while ground balancing for soil.
Beach mode is for salt water beaches including sand, wet sand , surf and underwater conditions. It specifically identifies any residual salt response and assign a ferrous Target-ID- indicating that its unwanted target.
The recovery speed is relatively high to further reduce unwanted salt-water signals, without greatly sacrificing detection depth.
Beach1: Wet/Dry Sand: Beach1 is most useful for detecting in wet/dry beach sand and also in shallow water . It reduces the salt signal, while maintaining high transmit power, and still being sensitive to desirable targets.
Beach1 Multi -IQ Processes a low frequency weighted multi-frequency signal, and uses special algorithms to maximise ground balancing for salt.
Beach2: Underwater/Surf: Beach 2 is best suited when wading or shallow diving, with the coil and/or detector fully submerged. This profile may also be useful in dry conditions where there are extremely high ground noise levels.
Beach2 Multi -IQ Processes a low frequency weighted multi-frequency signal, and uses same special algorithms as Beach1 to maximise ground balancing for salt.
Gold Mode is for gold nugget prospecting . Generally, gold nuggets are found in remote goldfields where targets are more sparsely located.
Gold Mode is ideally suited to finding smaller surface gold-nuggets that are present in mineralised ground,
Gold1- Normal Ground: Gold1 is suitable for small gold nuggets in mild ground. Target is set to 1 and the audio is optimised for hunting for gold nuggets.
Gold1 Muti-IQ processes a high frequency weighted multi-frequency signal, while ground balancing for mineralized soil.
Gold2-Difficult Ground: Gold2 is best for searching for deeper gold nuggets in difficult ground conditions. It has a lower recovery speed, which will increase detection depth. Target Tone is set to 1 and audio is optimized for hunting for gold nuggets.
Gold1 Muti-IQ processes a high frequency weighted multi-frequency signal, while ground balancing for mineralized soil.
• Multi-IQ Technology– is simultaneous multi-frequency detection and can be considered as combining the performance advantages of both FBS and VFLEX in anew fusion of technologies.
• Target ID &Discrimination– A detected target is shown as both a number and a segment on a scale. These indicate its ferrous and non-ferrous properties for quick and easy identification.
• Backlight– The EQUINOX LCD has backlight for improved screen contrast in poor light conditions.
• User Profile– EQUINOX 800 features an additional user profile side button that saves a copy of the current detector settings for future quick access.
• Sensitivity– EQUINOX is highly sensitive and has 25 sensitive levels. It is important to set the correct sensitivity level for your detecting conditions.
• Depth Guage– The Depth Guage indicates the approximate relative depth of a detected target.
• PinPoint– Switching to pinpoint when you find a target activates the target signal strength visualization on the discrimination scale to help you accurately locate the buried target.
• Settings Menu– the setting menu contains adjustable setting related to the detector. you can change audio and other detector settings from this menu.
• Noise Cancel – Noise cancel reduces the effect of environmental electromagnetic noise from sources such as power lines, mobile phone towers, and other metal detectors.
• Ground Balance – reduces noise caused by ground mineralization, allowing good targets to be detected more clearly.
• Threshold Level – Threshold is the constant background sound that can be produced by the detector.
• Recovery Speed – The recover speed setting alters how quickly the detector responds from detecting one target to detecting another target.
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