There’s nothing difficult and everything innovative and smart about the GO-FIND 22. It can detect its target upto a range 2.5 ft -3 ft.
Search deeper and find the treasure other people miss with the GO-FIND 44. This can detect its target upto a depth-range of 4ft – 5ft.

Compact & No Assembly : Portable and easy to transport . Unpack and go. Packs down just as fast.
Ultra Lightweight : At only 2.2 lbs or 1kg , its the lightest high-performance detector available.
Preset Find Modes : Icons flash to tell you what you’ve found.
Superior Performance : Advanced technology and innovative features for performance to the Maximum.
Easy-Trak Automatic: Auto ground-tracking reduces noise interference and maximizes target signals.
Treasure view :
red= iron targets , likely trash.
green = non-iron targets, possibly treasure.
Treasure View
GO-FIND’s Treasure View feature lights up to tell customer what’s trash or treasure down there. If it shows red LEDs, you’ve most likely found a nail or a key. If it displays green LEDs and you’ve found coins or jewelry. So, Dig away to end the curiosity.

3.5 mm (1/8-inch) jack headphones fit all GO-FIND detectors and most smartphones.

Digging Tool
Digging Tool
Handy and tough, this metal-free tool won’t be picked up by your detector.

Carry Bag
Carry Bag
Durable holdall for your GO-FIND. Handy zip pocket stores detecting accessories.
Co-partners: https://sniperelectronics.in
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