TITAN GER 1000 is a multi-system to search for underground treasure. One device contains a complete 5 Search system. It can detect targets up to 45 meters deep and front range is up to 2500 meters. This device is designed with best high-technology processors for better and accurate search results.
It can detect various treasures such as gold, diamonds, gems and buried treasures , ancient monuments and cemeteries, archeological caves and all burials underground before extraction.
Technical Specifications
Search system : five search systems- long range system, Ionic search system, 3D Imaging system, Magnetometer search system, Pulse induction system.
Depth : 45 meters
Front Range : 500 meters ~ 2500 meters
Detects: Gold, Diamond, Gems, Buried treasures, archeological caves and voids
Device Weight: 9 kg
Parts & Components
Following are the different parts of the device which is safely organised in the safety box.
Main Unit – this is the main unit of the device to manage the device and maintain settings
Ionic Sensitivity -helps using the device while moving in a car
Signal carrier – used to carry input message signal or transmitting signal
Recipient of the signal receives signal
Tablet – to display the settings and the shape and size of the cavity
Tablet stand – this is holder to hold the tablet
Search Disc 45 *45 large search disc coil
Search disc 20 * 20 small search disc coil
Search disc holder handle to hold the search disc
Sensor it will sense the material
Battery this is the battery backup of the device
Charger to charge the device battery
Antenna this will catch the signal from the target to the device
Safety Box this will hold all the parts of the device.
Titan GER 1000 Control Panel
Start: to power ON/OFF
Up: to move up the option
Down: to move down the option
Menu: to go into the settings option and make changes
The control panel is the main unit of the device from which you can select and change settings . It has up and down arrow to navigate between the options.
“Menu ” option will help in selecting language and search system.
Titan GER 1000 Operation
1. Power on the device by pressing the Start button.
2. Press on settings icon to enter the settings screen/ Press on information icon to enter into information screen.
3. Post selecting from language options , search system menu appears. Select the search system.
4. After search system selection , Select the target type from the menu.
These four steps are to be followed for all 5 search systems initially to proceed and reach to the actual search system settings.
1. Choose the front range according to the target are you want to reach. It ranges from 500 meters to 2500 meters with a jump of 500 meters to the next level (i.e 500 mts – 1000mts – 1500 mts – 2000 mts – 2500 mts)
2. When the front range is selected the search screen will guide you to the target. Ensure that Antenna is pointing ahead .
3. Adjust the antenna with the indicator on the screen to get the accurate results.
4. Start the search by holding the device , if the target is on the right side the indicator will point to the right side . If the target is on the left side , the indicator will point to the left side.
5. After detecting the target ,confirm it form all four directions.
how to determine the target depth in Titan GER 1000?
Stand above the target and turn 45 degrees and walk straight ahead until the antenna reverse back. The location above the target to the point where antenna reverse backs determines the target depth.
1. Select the Ionic search system from the menu.
2. Determine the direction from North to South , South to North , East to West and West to East.
3. Point the device to the ground, if the device start to make a sound, start calibration by pressing the calibration button on the screen.
4. Start the search by moving the device 180 degrees to the right and left .
If the device detects the target it starts beeping . In addition , the indicator will start moving to alert you about the target discovered. The sound starts accelerating when you are close to the target.
NOTE: You can use Ionic search system while driving. In the lack of vision, you can operate the laser to locate the target place with the help of Laser ON/OFF button.
3D Imaging system specializes to show the area scanned in three-dimensional view on the tablet screen . It specifies the target size, shape and depth of the target underground up to 45 meters.
Follow the steps to search the target using 3D Imaging System:
1. Turn the tablet ON and establish Bluetooth connection between the device and analysis program .
2. Select the search system as 3D Imaging system .
3. Open 3D GER Analyzer that is installed on the tablet.
4. Start new project to scan the ground by clicking on new scan.
5. Press the “Connect” button to connect .
6. Enter the settings as follows:
• Choose Device: TITAN GER
• Interface: Select port “COM17”
• Transmission method: Bluetooth
• Operating Mode: Ground Scan
• Impulse Per Line : 10 ~50 (each impulse =30cm)
• Number of lines : 1 ~ 15 (each impulse =30 cm)
• Scan Direction: Optional (one direction scan /Zig-Zag diraction scan)
7. Click on connect and shift to the device. The device will start taking pictures.
Follow the steps to search the target using Magnetometer System:
1. Select the Magnetometer search system from the menu.
2. Determine the directions from all four sides (North to South, South to North, West to East , East to West)
3. Point the device to the ground , when it beeps start calibration by pressing the “calibration” button on the screen.
4. Start the search by moving the device back and forth against the ground.
5. It starts beeping if the target is located. In addition, the indicator will start to move in the target direction. The sound will accelerate when you are close to the target.
Pulse induction specializes to cover vast areas and locate the target up to 12 meters depth.
Follow the steps to search the target using Pulse Induction System:
1. Connect the coil cable to the device.
2. Start the device by pressing the power switch on.
3. After doing the initial steps calibrate the device with the ground.
4. Hold the device 5~10 cm above and parallel to the ground.
5. Device works in two modes:
• Discrimination Search Mode: Discriminates between ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
• Cavity Search Mode: Detects cavities under the ground.
6. Start the search in normal mode, if device detects any metal an indicator displays on the screen and device starts beeping.
7. Adjust the sensitivity by using navigation buttons .Switch between the modes using start button.
Discrimination mode in Titan GER 1000 will discriminate between ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
ferrous: iron, copper, steel and aluminium
non-ferrous: gold, silver and bronze.
Cavity search mode in the device Titan GER 1000 will determine the shape of the cavity.
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